Playing basketball as a kid was my great hobby. I was not the greatest but I had a fire inside me that sometimes got me in trouble. We were playing John Tyler my team was winning for the first time in school history. I had an opposing player talking a lot to me but I wound up scoring on a three-point play and saying something while putting my finger in his face. It was at that moment my coach took me out of the game. He gave me a lesson I never forgot! He said “Don’t let your mouth mess up the game plan!” I felt like I was contributing to the team by responding and being passionate Later he would point out that talking to the opponent like that could take me outside of the role I needed to be playing for that game. In contrast, as a man I grew to love Tim Duncan’s silence as a player. He once said he got great joy killing his opponent with silence. Matter of fact, many opponents have been bothered by his strength in silence on the basketball court. Duncan always had great fundamentals and a strong desire to win the right way.
That is a tool you need to complete the process of what Jesus is trying to do through you. Remember the Son of God in front of Pilate. He said nothing in response to the accusations of the chief priests and elders. So, Pilate said to him, “Don’t you hear all these things they accuse you of but Jesus refused to answer a single word!” One of the greatest moments of his ministry was his silence. In his silence, he showed how strong he was, in his silence he showed his first objective was to do the will of the Father. When you know your role in God’s plan he literally fights the battle you want to fight on your own in your own strength. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent. Exodus 14:14 Isn’t that amazing, the moment we stop fighting, he takes over the fight for us! Before Pilate, the Lord Jesus set us a good example. He knew that the Sanhedrin had already made up its mind, so He did not enter into a discussion with them, but rather let them have their way.
As we go through life, we face circumstances which we do not have control, just as our Lamb of God did. At those times, it is usually better if we do not open our mouths. Can you think of some times when opening up your mouth actually made the situation worse? It can mess up the game plan God has for our relationships. I know what you are saying though… Your inner being is saying, PASTOR! When can I speak? Understand this, 1 Peter 3:15 – But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. When you have no control, the best thing to do is to remain silent because talking may make it worse! With that being said, we should never let our ego become the subject of discussion. We have such big Egos that sometimes that is hard to do. The joy of the Lord is our strength so in times of conflict remember that It is necessary for our growth and development to complete the mission we have come to fulfill. A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back. Proverbs 29:11