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Day 12 Mask Off

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Mask Off

This question was once asked, "If you could choose what you want most in life, what would you ask for?" The most common answer was "Peace." We can’t have mask on and pursue peace. That means letting go of some situations and people that hurt you. Letting go of some things in your past that bother you. Being willing to

I have a saying that “I am a real person, with real problems serving a real God soooooo I got to keep it real!” The best way to find peace is to be honest about where you are in your walk, take the mask off! The mask of insecurity, the mask of pride, the mask of selfishness, the mask of depression, The mask of lust and seek the lord while he may be found! The bible puts it this way, “Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” Psalm 34:14. In every offense against you, seek peace.

Some people try escapism to find peace but that is a lie. The Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr Martin Luther King said, "We begin to die the moment we are silent about things that matter." Being apathetically silent causes us to move forward without processing the offense out of our system. So in the reservoirs of our soul we secretly look for and or plot revenge. The bible says Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy Proverbs 12:20. I

In our country today, our joy is being compromised right outside the church doors. How? The Opioid Crises is affecting our youth between the ages of 12-17 in record numbers. With rising opioid prescriptions, divorce rates, multiple marriages and the reality of absentee fathers. Our children are angry and the pain of anger invites escapism. Escapism keeps the mask on and the hurt is unbearable on our own. In 2016, 6.2 billion hydrocodone pills were distributed nationwide. The second most prevalent opioid was oxycodone (Percocet). The International Narcotics Control Board reported that in 2015, Americans represented about 99.7% of the world's hydrocodone consumption. As pharmaceutical companies worldwide promote the worlds escape, God word promotes real peace. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.

As we take the mask off we relinquish responsibility and allow God in to take responsibility. The bible says, “Cast your cares upon him, because he cares for you.” This means I can be at my worst and know without a doubt that God is at his best. As I move into my future I don’t have to pretend to have it all together because I know the one who is putting me together. Since I know him I will only carry the necessary baggage for the journey! I choose to forgive. I choose peace. At this time, relationships are too important to allow them to rob me of my peace. If I offended you, I’m sorry! If I made you mad, lets work it out! No pretentious behavior. No mask. I just want Gods presence pervading every aspect of my life. Peace.


  1. Pray for God to give me strength to let go of the mask.

  2. Be still and see the presence of the Lord.

  3. Actively pursue peace in fractured relationships. Praying for those who have caused an offense.

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